Our hard work has come to fruition! We have published episode one of The Phasing Line Podcast. It was originally about an hour twenty, but cuts and removal of um’s and uh’s shaved it to just under 45 minutes.
Find it on iTunes, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Overcast, and at http://phasinglinepodcast.com.
We attempt to talk about who we are, winning cookies in CQWW, packet spotting and pileups, contest operating and logging techniques, ARES and some of the bad things about ham radio, Youngsters on the Air, and cats.
We wanted to have a two-guys-and-a-mic style podcast about ham radio, without any script or topic – just winging it. It’s focus is on whatever comes to mind, as well as the progression of the hobby…aka youth in amateur radio. We plan on doing interviews, giveaways, and all that jazz. If you’re so inclined to donate, email Marty or I, and we’ll be happy to talk about buying me a Flex 6700 or Marty a couple dozen IC-7300’s since he’s in to that single-operator, twenty-radios sort of contesting. But really, making these things isn’t free!
Let us know how we did and how we can improve! Tweet at us at https://twitter.com/phasingline or email us – we’re good on QRZ!
And also find us on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/PhasingLinePodcast/
About the hosts:
Sterling, N0SSC: 24 year old electrical engineer from St. Louis, Missouri who’s in the hobby for contesting, youth engagement, and just about everything else. He’s a former ARRL youth editor. http://n0ssc.com
Marty, KC1CWF: The infamous “chicken with fries,” is a 14 year old ham from the Boston, MA area, who loves contesting, DXing, building stations and mentoring others. He is very involved in ham radio related media production and web content. https://chickenwithfries.wordpress.com/author/kc1cwf/
Ok, I listened to your podcast, where’s my T-shirt? Also, would like the recipe for those cookies! Two lids with a mike is an apt description! Seriously, I got my license (the first time) when I was your age, Marty. Novice WN1MJW in 1970, followed by General and Advanced in the next couple years. I foolishly let it expire after a period of inactivity, am now General Class KF7JAF (Kentucky Fried Seven Jambalaya And Fries!) Keep up the good work, you have a very entertaining chemistry, and the hobby needs more young guys excited about radio.